Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Kadence Theme for WordPress Beginners​

Why Choose Kadence?
Kadence is a popular WordPress theme known for its flexibility, speed, and compatibility. It’s perfect for both beginners and advanced users. Let’s walk through the setup process.

Step 1: Search for Kadence (Free Version)​

Kadence’s free version can be installed directly from your WordPress dashboard. Go to ​Appearance → Themes → Add New, then search for “Kadence”. You’ll see it listed among third-party themes. No need to download it from Kadence’s website unless you’ve purchased the Pro version.

Step 2: Install & Activate Kadence Theme​

Hover over the Kadence theme and click ​Install. Once installed, hit ​Activate. Your site will now switch to Kadence. Check your site’s frontend to confirm the change. You’ll also notice new options under ​Appearance​ in the dashboard.

Step 3: Install Starter Templates (Optional)​

If you want to install starter templates, simply search for the plugin name ​​“Kadence Starter Templates”​​ and install it directly. If you don’t need templates, skip this step.

Step 4: Install Kadence Blocks Plugin​

To fully utilize Kadence’s features, install the ​Kadence Blocks​ plugin. Go to ​Plugins → Add New, search for “Kadence Blocks”, and click ​Install Now → Activate. Note: If you installed a Starter Template earlier, this plugin might already be included.

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