How Much Should i Charge To Make A Website?Only $20
Many friends think that building a website is very complicated and involves all kinds of tedious processes.
Indeed, creating a website can be complex—it’s not a simple task. However, it also depends on the type of website you want to build.
For example, Enzo’s current blog website only costs $20 (excluding the domain fee, which is typically around $7 per year. This fee goes directly to the domain provider, not to my wallet!). In total, it costs less than $30, and you don’t need to worry about other expenses like hosting or server costs.

Why are the websites built by Enzo so affordable?
Demo Site:Demo Station
It’s simple. I have three servers, and each one can host over a hundred websites. Right now, there are only about ten websites in total on my servers. Instead of letting those resources go to waste, I’d rather let others use them at a minimal cost. I only charge a small service fee for installing the template—after all, joy is best when shared. Haha!

However, if you need a fully custom-designed website, the cost will be much higher.
Of course, if you just need Enzo to create a simple blog or basic website, it only costs $20—no extra fees!